Verify 3D files after exporting, play around with simple to use software or try a more advanced version of open source 3D software… Its all FREE!
MiniMagics: .stl viewing software
Mini Magics is a free software with which you can verify, measure, rotate and even color your .STL files. We strongly recommend using this to verify your files prior to printing.
VisCAM: .stl viewing software
VisCAM is another free software with which you can verify, measure, rotate and even color your .STL files. Some clients fond this software easier to download and use over MiniMagics. We strongly recommend using one of these softwares to verify your files prior to printing.
Google Sketchup: 3D drawing for everyone
Google Sketchup is an easy to use 3D modeling software designed for everyone to use. When used in conjunction with Google maps you can easily create a 3D model of your home, condo, townhouse, or apartment building for Axis to print you a scale model. Imagine, your home inside your home!
Blender: More advanced open source 3D software
Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License. Create your concepts and let Axis Prototypes print them.